Trifolium campestre (Hop Trefoil)
Trifolium arvense (Hare's-foot Clover)
Ononis repens (Common Restharrow)
Lotus pedunculatus (Greater Bird's-foot-trefoil)
Showing reflexed calyx teeth in bud - identification feature
Lotus corniculatus (Common Bird's-foot-trefoil)
Triglochin palustris (Marsh Arrowgrass)
Isolepis cernua (Slender Club-rush)
Eleocharis uniglumis (Slender Spike-rush)
Mercurialis perennis (Dog's Mercury)
Euphorbia portlandica (Portland Spurge)
Euphorbia portlandica (Portland Spurge)
Pyrola rotundifolia (Round-leaved Wintergreen)
Pyrola rotundifolia (Round-leaved Wintergreen)
Hedera helix (Ivy)
Equisetum telmateia (Great Horsetail)
with Ranunculus ficaria (Lesser Celandine)
Equisetum telmateia (Great Horsetail)
with Ranunculus ficaria (Lesser Celandine)
Carex flacca (Glaucous Sedge)
Carex caryophyllea (Spring Sedge)
Carex flacca (Glaucous Sedge)
Carex caryophyllea (Spring Sedge)
Carex caryophyllea (Spring Sedge)